I'm looking for a speaker for my next event.

Yes, we can do it!  Request an inspiring message from Elizabeth, Founder and CEO, or obtain a fantastic referral for one of our featured speakers/trainers. For more information, email us at info@polished31.com.

Elizabeth's speaking topics include:

  • You're not cheap...Value yourself! Key points include understanding your worth, recognizing that you're valuable, relating and responding to others in a way that commands respect, God-confidence and techniques to promote healthy self-esteem in yourself and others.  This message is great for women, teens and moms.

  • Vision of love. Key points include: Seeing yourself as God sees you, creating a vision for your life, creative thinking and thinking beyond the norm, writing the vision and activating goals according to your vision. This message is great for all audiences.

I would like to be a speaker for a Polished31 event or conference call.

We are always accepting speakers and trainers.  Prospective speakers will need to provide a detailed outline, sample video (can be self-created) and complete an application. For more information, email us at info@polished31.com.